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Press Releace
October 16, 2007
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Representative: Toshio Manabe, President
Stock Code: 9508
Listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Securities and Fukuoka Stock Exchange
Contact: Daisuke Makihara, Finance and Accounting Dept.
Tel: +81-92-761-3031
Revision of the Interim and Year-end Financial Results Forecasts for FY2007 (Consolidated and Non-consolidated)
Kyushu Electric Power Company Inc., has revised its interim and year-end financial forecasts for FY2007 (from April 1st, 2007 to March 31st, 2008) announced on July 31st, 2007 based on the recent business circumstances and its performance as below.

1. Revised Financial Forecasts
(1) Revision of the Interim Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2007-September30, 2007)
(Unit: billion yen except per share data)
  Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Net Income per Share
The Previous Forecast (A) 712 98 83 51 107.78 yen
The Revised Forecast (B) 731 73 58 35 73.97 yen
Difference (B – A) 19 minus25 minus25 minus16 minus33.81 yen
Changes (%) 2.7 minus25.5 minus30.1 minus31.4 minus31.4
FY2006 Actual Interim Result 713.2 127.2 108.8 66.7 141.10 yen

(2) Revision of the Year-end Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2007-March 31st, 2008)
(Unit: billion yen except per share data)
  Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Net Income per Share
The Previous Forecast (A) 1,438 152 119 74 156.39 yen
The Revised Forecast (B) 1,463 123 91 56 118.35 yen
Difference (B – A) 25 minus29 minus28 minus18 minus38.04 yen
Changes (%) 1.7 minus19.1 minus23.5 minus24.3 minus24.3
FY2006 Actual Result 1,408.3 155.1 118.5 659 139.37 yen

(1) Revision of the Interim Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2007-September30, 2007)
(Unit: billion yen except per share data)
  Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Net Income per Share
The Previous Forecast (A) 673 96 80 50 105.60 yen
The Revised Forecast (B) 692 71 55 34 71.81 yen
Difference (B – A) 19 minus25 minus25 minus16 minus33.79 yen
Changes (%) 2.8 minus26.0 minus31.3 minus32.0 minus32.0
FY2006 Actual Interim Result 676.8 122.5 105.0 64.8 137.00 yen

(2) Revision of the Year-end Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2007-March 31st, 2008)
  Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Net Income per Share
The Previous Forecast (A) 1,349 142 108 67 141.50 yen
The Revised Forecast (B) 1,376 114 80 49 103.48 yen
Difference (B – A) 27 minus28 minus28 minus18 minus38.02 yen
Changes (%) 2.0 minus19.7 minus25.9 minus26.9 minus26.9
FY2006 Actual Result 1,333.0 143.7 105.7 59.2 125.07 yen

2. The Reason for the Revision
Despite the steady increase in electricity sales volume, elevated fuel prices are projected to push up the fuel costs and consequently affect the financial performance.
[Non-consolidated Calculation Basis]
(Unit: billion kWh, $/b, \/$)
  Previous Forecasts (A) Revised Forecasts (B) Difference (B-A)
Electricity Sales Volume <42.8> 85.5 <44.1> 87.3 <1.3> 1.8
Crude Oil (CIF) Price <63> 63 <68> 70 <5> 7
Exchange Rate <120> 120 <119> 120 <-1> ―

* Figures in < > are applied to interim forecasts
* The above forecasts are based on information available at the date of the release of this document. Due to various factors, the actual result may differ from these forecasts.
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