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How we handle your personal information

Our basic policy on information security

At Kyushu Electric Power, in order to continue functioning as a business that provides energy services, we realize that maintaining Information Security throughout our group is of the utmost importance, and under the guidance of the President as CEO, we strive to protect and maintain Information Security, not only within Kyushu Electric Power, but throughout our group as well as together with business partners.


We pledge to observe laws and ordinances related to Information Security, other social norms as well as related regulations stipulated by our company.

Implementing countermeasures

We will secure the administrative resources necessary for properly managing and promoting Information Assets. While taking organizational, physical, technical and human countermeasures against leaks caused by theft or loss of any information, we will deal with threats such as internal fraud or cyber attacks in an appropriate manner.

Periodic reviews and improvements

Along with implementing continuous risk management, we will conduct periodic reviews and make improvements as needed.

Responding to new threats

We pledge to take swift action to counter against the latest threats.

Education and training

In order to continue protecting against Information Security-related incidents, we conduct educational workshops for our employees as well as drills that simulate IS-related incidents.

Responding to incidents

In the event of an incident related to Information Security, as well as attempting to prevent damage from spreading further through a swift initial response, Kyushu Electric will investigate the cause as well as plan countermeasures to prevent reoccurrences. Finally we pledge to disclose any new information related to such incidents swiftly.