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October 12, 2022
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

Application for Approval to Extend the Operation Period for Unit 1 and 2 at Sendai Nuclear Power Station

 In order to achieve both carbon neutrality and a stable supply of electricity, we will maximize the use of nuclear power, which is a stable power source that does not emit CO₂ during operation, on the premise that it is safe.

 In order to apply for approval to extend the operation life span of nuclear power stations beyond 40 years, a special inspection is required by the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Act. For Sendai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and 2 these inspections started on October 12, 2021 and February 21, 2022 respectively.

 The results of these special inspections verified the integrity of reactor pressure vessels and containment vessels. Also, we conducted an evaluation to assess age deterioration, and on the basis of this evaluation, together with the results of the special inspections, we formulated a maintenance management policy. Based on the outcome, it was confirmed that the integrity of these stations can be assured even if a 60-year operational period was assumed. Therefore, today we submitted to the NRA applications for approval to extend the operation life span for another 20 years and to make changes in technical specifications of nuclear reactor facilities on the assumption of extended operation.

 We will continue to address future government inspections with utmost care, while proactively disclose information to local communities and the general public regarding these undertakings, in order to build public trust in our nuclear operations.

 (Note 1) Application for Approval to Extend of Operation Period
  Under the Nuclear Reactor Regulation Law, the operation period of a nuclear power station is in principle 40 years from the date of commencement of operation, but may be extended only once for up to 20 years with the approval of the NRA.

  Expiration date of 40-year operating license period for Sendai Nuclear Power Station
  (Unit 1: July 3, 2024; Unit 2: November 27, 2025)