Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Setting “ROIC Targets to Further Increase Kyuden Group’s Corporate Value” - Emphasizing capital efficiency to create further corporate value -
The Kyuden Group introduced ROIC (return on invested capital) as a new management indicator in FY2022 to increase the corporate value of the group in the mid-to-long term by taking a capital efficient approach to management. Through it, the Kyuden Group aims to balance the acceleration of growth businesses with strengthening the financial foundation to achieve the FY2030 management goal of “¥150 billion of ordinary income” (as announced in “Integrated Report FY 2022 [issued on September 30, 2022]”).
The Kyuden Group has set their FY2025 and FY2030 targets for ROIC, aiming to promote more effective use of ROIC management.
ROIC targets※
FY | Target |
FY2025 | Consolidated ROIC of 2.5% or more |
FY2030 | Consolidated ROIC of 3.0% or more |
※ ROIC=Ordinary income (earnings before interest after taxes (EBIAT)) / Invested capital (interest-bearing debt + shareholders' equity)
To achieve these targets, the Kyuden Group will come together as one to deepen ROIC management and increase capital efficiency to pursue sustainable growth and increase mid-to-long term corporate value.