Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Denki Bldg Co., Ltd.
Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.
The Juhachi‐Shinwa Bank, Ltd.
Fukuoka Shoji Co., Ltd.
Kyuden Group and Fukuoka Financial Group to jointly develop Watanabe-dori 2-chome Project (tentative name)-Establishment of an office building overlooking a city-center green space-
Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Kyuden), Denki Bldg Co., Ltd., a Kyuden Group company, The Juhachi‐Shinwa Bank, Ltd., a subsidiary of Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc. (FFG), and Fukuoka Shoji Co., Ltd. are pleased to announce their decision to proceed jointly with the “Watanabe-dori 2-chome Project” (tentative name) to be implemented within the Watanabe-dori 2-chome district in which the Kyuden head office is located.
The project aims to construct an office building with the concept of promoting cooperation and cocreation between workers both within and beyond the building itself, and taking on the challenge of decarbonization, which will be compatible with post-COVID flexible working practices, and net zero CO2 emissions through the use of renewable energy.
Further, a café building which is to be separately constructed, and green space planted with natural grass will act as a venue to create symbiosis with the locality and promote interaction in the community. The café building and green space together will also contribute to the resolution of societal and environmental issues, for example through the reduction of environmental impact of the project overall, and by serving as an evacuation center in times of natural disaster.
With this project, we will put sustainable society into practice. Currently, we are examining the details, with the aim of commencing construction during the 2025 financial year.
Centered on energy and finance, Kyuden Group and FFG, which support and promote the development of Kyushu, undertake the implementation and spread of sustainable business practices in the region, by offering wide-ranging solutions based on our respective business resources. We will thereby advance urban development in the center of Fukuoka City that is open to Kyusyu jointly with related organizations and regional communities.