April 9, 2019 Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. |
Submission for the notification of change in Electricity Generation Business regarding decommissioning of Genkai nuclear power station No.2 |
We had decided to decommission the Genkai nuclear power unit No.2 on February 13, this year. As we had gone through procedures and got ready, today, we have submitted to the notification of change of Electricity Generation Business* regarding decommissioning of it to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry today, based on the Electricity Business Act. (Contents of change) The decommissioning date of the Genkai nuclear power station unit No.2 is determined to April 9, 2019. And the output of Genkai nuclear power station is changed from 2,919MW to 2,360MW on the decommissioning date. ○ Output of Genkai nuclear power station
(As for unit No.1, it was decommissioned on April 27, 2015.) *According to Article 27-27, paragraph 3 of the Electricity Business Act, an electricity generation utility must notify the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of a change in the output of an Electric Facilities for the generation of electricity, etc., without delay. |