Information on our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives
Supporting work-family life balance for a diverse workforce
We are creating a work environment that makes it easier for employees to balance work and family life as part of our efforts to develop a friendly environment for a diverse workforce.
Promoting the action plan to support the raising of the next generation
All employees need to recognize the necessity and importance of everyone in society supporting the raising of the next generation. We must foster a workplace culture that makes it easier for employees of either gender to rear children. We have formulated the 7th action plan based on these ideas and have been promoting initiatives to create a child raising friendly work environment. We were certified as a “general business that meets child-friendly workplace standards” in FY2015 as well as in FY2013 and received the next generation support certification mark “Kurumin”.
Certification mark from the minister of health, labour and welfare based on the “Law for Measures to Support the Development of Next Generation” (Nickname: Kurumin)
7th action plan
Plan period
April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2025
(The 10 year period as stipulated by law is divided into two to five year plan periods.)
Targets for the action plan indicators
- Percentage of male and female employees taking childcare leave: 100%
- Developing flexible work opportunities for employees raising children, increasing awareness