Corporate history

Major Milestones for Kyushu Electric Power

1951 Kyushu Electric Power Company is established.
1955 Japan’s first hydraulic power plant with an arch dam becomes operational. (Kamishiiba Power Station, 90MW)
1956 Kyushu Electric Power’s first coal-fired thermal power plant becomes operational. (Unit 1 at the Karita Power Station, 75MW)
1957 Thermal generation capacity exceeds hydroelectric capacity. (reverse in the proportion of thermal to hydroelectric)
220kV high-voltage transmission line becomes operational.
1960 Frequency unification within Kyushu is completed. (60Hz)
1967 Japan’s first commercial geothermal power plant becomes operational. (Otake Power Station, 11MW)
1969 Kyushu Electric Power’s first facility designed to run exclusively on heavy fuel oil becomes operational. (Oita Power Station, 250MW)
1970 The provision of electric lighting to all homes in Kyushu is completed.
1975 Kyushu Electric Power’s first nuclear power station becomes operational. (Unit 1 of Genkai Nuclear Power Station, 559MW)
Kyushu Electric Power’s first pumped-storage hydropower plant becomes operational. (Ohira Pumped-Storage Power Station, 500MW)
1980 500kV high voltage transmission line becomes operational.
1984 Kyushu Electric Power becomes the first Japanese electric utility to issue US dollar-denominated bonds.
1986 Kyushu Electric Power begins to use automatic control systems on its distribution lines.
1990 Achieves a zero outage record for work on high-and low-voltage facilities for the first time in Japan.
1991 Kyushu Electric Power’s first gas combined-cycle power plant becomes operational. (Shin-Oita Power Station Unit 1 series, 690MW)
1998 Kyushu Electric Power begins to operate Japan’s first superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMES).
1999 Kyuden International is established to conduct energy-related businesses and consulting overseas.
2001 Start of Kyushu Electric Power’s first overseas IPP project in Mexico. (construction of a gas-combined cycle power plant)
Kyushu Electric Power’s first pressurized fluidized bed combustion power plant becomes operational. This thermal power plant is fueled by coal. (New Unit 1 of Karita Power Station, 360MW)
2002 Starts supplying gas to customers following the revised Electricity Business Act.
2005 Japan’s longest sea-bed power cable becomes operational. (53km)
2006 Japan’s first commercial geothermal binary power plant becomes operational (Hacchoubaru Binary Power Station, 2MW).
2007 Starts participation in one of the world’s largest IPP projects in Sumatra, Indonesia (construction of a geothermal power station with a total output of 330MW).
2009 Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 becomes operational. (using MOX fuel)
2015 Terminate the operation of Genkai nuclear power station unit No.1.
2016 World’s largest large capacity energy storage system becomes operational. (Buzen Battery Electrical Substation; output: 50MW, capacity: 300MW)
2017 Starts participation in a thermal power generation project in Pennsylvania, US.
2019 Establishes Kyushu Electric Power’s first overseas subsidiary in Vietnam that focuses on operating dams and hydropower plants.
Terminate the operation of Genkai nuclear power station unit No.2.
Formulate of the "Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030".
Operations begin at the Birdsboro Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant (488MW) in Pennsylvania, USA.
Operations begin at Shin-Kosa Power Station (7,200kW)
Matsuura Power Station No.2 becomes operational, a coal-fired thermal power station that has ultra-supercritical technology and a thermal efficiency of approx. 46%. (output 1,000 MW)
2020 General power transmission and distribution businesses are transferred to Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company, Inc.
Operations begin at Units 1 and 2 (33,300kW each) of Tsukabaru Power Station.
New branch offices established by integrating customer service centers and branch offices.
Operations begin for Specialized Safety Facilities at Units 1 and 2 of Sendai Nuclear Power Station.
2021 Formulate of "Kyuden Group Carbon Neutral Vision 2050" and "Kyuden Group Action Plan to Achieve Carbon Neutrality".
2024 Kyuden Group’s geothermal business has been integrated into Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc.