Corporate history
Major Milestones for Kyushu Electric Power
1951 | Kyushu Electric Power Company is established. |
1955 | Japan’s first hydraulic power plant with an arch dam becomes operational. (Kamishiiba Power Station, 90MW) |
1956 | Kyushu Electric Power’s first coal-fired thermal power plant becomes operational. (Unit 1 at the Karita Power Station, 75MW) |
1957 | Thermal generation capacity exceeds hydroelectric capacity. (reverse in the proportion of thermal to hydroelectric) |
220kV high-voltage transmission line becomes operational. |
1960 | Frequency unification within Kyushu is completed. (60Hz) |
1967 | Japan’s first commercial geothermal power plant becomes operational. (Otake Power Station, 11MW) |
1969 | Kyushu Electric Power’s first facility designed to run exclusively on heavy fuel oil becomes operational. (Oita Power Station, 250MW) |
1970 | The provision of electric lighting to all homes in Kyushu is completed. |
1975 | Kyushu Electric Power’s first nuclear power station becomes operational. (Unit 1 of Genkai Nuclear Power Station, 559MW) |
Kyushu Electric Power’s first pumped-storage hydropower plant becomes operational. (Ohira Pumped-Storage Power Station, 500MW) |
1980 | 500kV high voltage transmission line becomes operational. |
1984 | Kyushu Electric Power becomes the first Japanese electric utility to issue US dollar-denominated bonds. |
1986 | Kyushu Electric Power begins to use automatic control systems on its distribution lines. |
1990 | Achieves a zero outage record for work on high-and low-voltage facilities for the first time in Japan. |
1991 | Kyushu Electric Power’s first gas combined-cycle power plant becomes operational. (Shin-Oita Power Station Unit 1 series, 690MW) |
1998 | Kyushu Electric Power begins to operate Japan’s first superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMES). |
1999 | Kyuden International is established to conduct energy-related businesses and consulting overseas. |
2001 | Start of Kyushu Electric Power’s first overseas IPP project in Mexico. (construction of a gas-combined cycle power plant) |
Kyushu Electric Power’s first pressurized fluidized bed combustion power plant becomes operational. This thermal power plant is fueled by coal. (New Unit 1 of Karita Power Station, 360MW) |
2002 | Starts supplying gas to customers following the revised Electricity Business Act. |
2005 | Japan’s longest sea-bed power cable becomes operational. (53km) |
2006 | Japan’s first commercial geothermal binary power plant becomes operational (Hacchoubaru Binary Power Station, 2MW). |
2007 | Starts participation in one of the world’s largest IPP projects in Sumatra, Indonesia (construction of a geothermal power station with a total output of 330MW). |
2009 | Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 becomes operational. (using MOX fuel) |
2015 | Terminate the operation of Genkai nuclear power station unit No.1. |
2016 | World’s largest large capacity energy storage system becomes operational. (Buzen Battery Electrical Substation; output: 50MW, capacity: 300MW) |
2017 | Starts participation in a thermal power generation project in Pennsylvania, US. |
2019 | Establishes Kyushu Electric Power’s first overseas subsidiary in Vietnam that focuses on operating dams and hydropower plants. |
Terminate the operation of Genkai nuclear power station unit No.2. | |
Formulate of the "Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030". | |
Operations begin at the Birdsboro Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant (488MW) in Pennsylvania, USA. | |
Operations begin at Shin-Kosa Power Station (7,200kW) | |
Matsuura Power Station No.2 becomes operational, a coal-fired thermal power station that has ultra-supercritical technology and a thermal efficiency of approx. 46%. (output 1,000 MW) |
2020 | General power transmission and distribution businesses are transferred to Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Company, Inc. |
Operations begin at Units 1 and 2 (33,300kW each) of Tsukabaru Power Station. | |
New branch offices established by integrating customer service centers and branch offices. | |
Operations begin for Specialized Safety Facilities at Units 1 and 2 of Sendai Nuclear Power Station. |
2021 | Formulate of "Kyuden Group Carbon Neutral Vision 2050" and "Kyuden Group Action Plan to Achieve Carbon Neutrality". |
2024 | Kyuden Group’s geothermal business has been integrated into Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Inc. |